IMF warning UK may need to s...

September 20, 2011

In their most recent statement, the IMF is warning that the UK government’s austerity programme may need to be set back if growth continues slowing. This is the third forecast in as many months that...

Shop Vacancies Holding Stead...

September 10, 2011

Although it appears that the number of shop vacancies in many areas of the UK has leveled off in the first half of this year, there is still one out of every three shops remaining vacant in many areas...

UK Pension Crisis Escalating...

September 09, 2011

In the wake of the growing debt crisis and fears of a double dip recession, new figures released by government show that more than a million workers in the UK stopped making contributions to personal...

Riding the Golden Roller Coa...

August 28, 2011

As the word’s economy appeared to be nearing another great recession, the price of gold was quickly climbing the roller coaster ride of a lifetime. Something in the market changed and within two day...