UK Trade Deficit Shrinks As...

October 14, 2011

According to recent reports, the UK trade deficit shrank down to 7.8 billion pounds, 0.4 billion less than the 8.2 billion deficit recorded in July, and 10 billion less than the forecasted trade defic...

Britain Faces 33% Chance of...

October 13, 2011

According to a recent Reuters poll, Britain currently faces a 33% chance of recession during the next year. Even if the country does not enter a recession, a best case scenario would still have Britai...

The rich are getting richer...

October 12, 2011

It may sound cliché but it is oh so true because in fact the rich are getting richer while the poor are certainly on the losing end of the stick. According to recent figures, FTSE executives’ earni...

Decreased family spending ke...

September 29, 2011

Recent data shows a continuing trend towards conservative spending and lower family budgets, as the average family in the UK has almost £15 less to spend each week than just one year ago....