There are many essential components included in your business, but which ones are most effective for growth and success?

Among the many things your business needs, call tracking software is one of the most important.

In this article, you’ll learn what call tracking is and why it’s a crucial software to have within your business today.

Read on to find out more.

What is call tracking?

Call tracking software is an analytics tool that gives you full visibility over the marketing sources driving your phone calls.

When you receive a customer call, your software can provide data on various aspects of the caller, as well as which channels and campaigns were responsible for this interaction.

With the right platform – such as Mediahawk call tracking, for example – you can use dynamic phone number insertion for visitor-level tracking across your online and offline campaigns.

This means each visitor will have a unique phone number that allows you to track all the touchpoints they visit before, during, and after they call you – and even if they don’t make a call.

Considering your business may invest in both online and offline campaigns – such as billboards and TV ads, as well as digital channels – this software is great for giving you complete reports on your entire marketing performance, and any customers that originate from any source.

Why is call tracking essential for your business?

There are a variety of reasons why you need to incorporate call tracking into your business. This includes things such as:

  • Increase efficiency and effectiveness of campaigns

Using call tracking software, you can enhance your marketing campaigns to generate leads and sales more effectively.

The accurate analytics from your software can help you track every customer journey, seeing which campaigns are receiving the most interactions, and which marketing sources are contributing to the most conversions.

This can then allow you to adapt your activities according to the data. For example, you might find the majority of your callers found your website by following a link from your Facebook page.

You can then direct more of your resources towards creating campaigns for this channel – and all other successful channels highlighted by the software – to ensure maximum leads and sales from each activity.

  • Understand your customer needs and trends

Call tracking can also help you gain a deeper understanding of what your customers need and what they’re drawn towards in your marketing.

Using the software, you can track not only the visits to your website but see which keywords were searched to get the customer here.

This can provide insight into what needs the customer has – for instance, are they searching about prices, delivery times, product quality, etc.

Also, the software can highlight at which times or seasons certain keywords are more prominent.

This will help you tailor your campaigns to reflect the things your customers want to know most about your business, and at the times this information is most trending.

As a result, you’ll maintain an optimal flow of leads and sales throughout all points in the year.

  • Maximise your PPC strategy

You can also use call tracking to maximise your pay-per-click (PPC) strategy, for a more cost-efficient and effective structure for your paid ads.

Call tracking can identify the different PPC ads which were visited by your highly valuable leads and callers. Simultaneously, you’ll see which ads are producing low levels of engagement.

This can help you allocate the right payment amounts for your ads, to ensure maximum conversions as well as avoid any spend wastage.

You can also attribute certain keywords to your PPC conversions, for an even more extensive insight into how customers are interacting with your ads, so you have a clearer idea of how to optimise each ad for engagement.

If you want to boost your marketing and attract more leads and sales, call tracking software is the ultimate tool for you.

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