Investing your money is not a one channel fits all kind of transaction to go through. What may work for other people and their money, may not be ideal for you and might end up giving you losses rather than gains. There are different kinds of risks and factors associated in each type of investment channels you could put your money in, that is why it is important to know which of these you are willing to take to see good, or even great returns on your money. Even though there are different channels you could go through to grow your money, there is still one thing that is certain – only through time will you be able to get favourable returns on your investments. There is no shortcut and there is no quick and easy way to grow your money. But knowing the proper and right channels on where to invest money would surely be able to help you realise a high yield on your hard-earned money.

Time: Lock-In

When investing your money, you should understand and you should be prepared that your money will be locked in for a specific period or length of time for it to earn (or lose, in some cases) value. You would be lucky enough to get investments which would give you a good return that would only lock your money in for a year or two. Most of the investments available in the market actually have a minimum lock-in of around two to three years before you could reap the benefits of your money. There will also be cases that even though the three year period has lapsed, your money might still have a losing value compared to the amount you initially put in. This holds most especially true for equity or index investments which rely on the stock market. There is no guarantee that your money will yield a higher value, but you have the option to keep it in there for as long as you think would be beneficial.

Time: Need

Because there is a minimum number of years your money will be kept in your chosen investment channel for its value to grow, you should be certain that there would be no immediate need for you to use the amount of money you would initially place in the investment any time soon. Meaning to say, if you plan to have a savings account where you are guaranteed a 2.5% interest gain per annum, you should keep the whole £10,000 untouched until the end of the year for you to only gain a measly £250. But what if there is an emergency and you would need money immediately? If you withdrew money from that sum, you would get a lesser yield than £250 at the end of the year, which is just sad considering the amount of hard earned money you put in.

Time: Trends

When you put your money in a specific investment channel, you should understand the trends that may affect the gain or loss of value of your capital. For example, if you opt to put in £5,000 in the stock market, you should carefully choose which companies to invest in so that at the end of the day, you would not lose value to the money that you put in. That is why most people opt to not put all of their eggs in one basket, so that they have a fall back should a company end up having negative prices at the end of the day.

Growing Your Money

If you are afraid of putting your money in an investment wherein you would be forced to leave that amount untouchable, or if you are afraid of putting your money in an investment with a very unpredictable trend wherein there is no guarantee of knowing whether you would earn or lose money, or if you are afraid of putting your money in an investment that would take too long of a time for you to realise a gain, then the perfect investment channel for you is to engage in Buy2Let Cars. For Buy2LetCars, you would be able to start investing for as low as only £7,000 and as much as £280,000. It does not have a long lock-in period, only a minimum of 3 years which coincides with the lease period of the cars you would invest in. You could get as much as 7-11% of interest earnings per annum, depending on the amount you are willing to invest. Not only that, but your cash flow and cash management does not need to be disrupted because you would actually be getting a monthly repayment for a total of 37 months. On the 37th and final month, you would receive a gross amount which already includes the interest you have reaped through the investment.

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