G20 Makes Growth a Priority,...

July 22, 2013

Participants in the G20 meeting agreed to put growth ahead of austerity as a way to improve economic performance in the short term. Leaders converged in Moscow as part of a global effort to improve ec...

ONS statement at odds with l...

April 06, 2012

In the final quarter of 2011, it appears as though there was a small percentage of growth in the portion of the economy that is considered to be the ‘non financial’ sector. Up from 10.8% in the th...

BCC calls for government act...

April 03, 2012

In their latest economic survey, the British Chambers of Commerce are optimistic about the UK’s ability to avoid a double dip recession even though the rate of growth remains weak. Further, there wi...

Britain Faces 33% Chance of...

October 13, 2011

According to a recent Reuters poll, Britain currently faces a 33% chance of recession during the next year. Even if the country does not enter a recession, a best case scenario would still have Britai...