Two Year Low in European Sto...

September 07, 2011

Just ahead of Germany’s day in court over the legality of that country’s part in Greece’s bailout effort, European stocks fell to the lowest point in two years. Confidence is at surprisingly low...

Head of World Bank Warns of...

September 04, 2011

As if fears for the global economy weren’t bad enough, they are now soaring as the head of the World Bank, Robert Zoellick, warned that the world is entering into what he calls a “new danger zone....

Labour Leader Calls for Urge...

September 02, 2011

This week Ed Miliband called on leaders from around the world to act with urgency in regards to the risk of another debt crisis of global proportions. In his statement he said he believes that the G20...

IMF Head Warns of Impending...

August 28, 2011

In totally candid remarks, the head of the International Monetary Fund stated bluntly that banks throughout Europe must raise more money if we are to stave off a recession of global proportions. Chris...