Facebook Shares Climb to All...

September 11, 2013

After a messy initial public offering that left both investors and analysts largely in the dark, Facebook’s shares have reached their highest price yet. Facebook shares are now worth $45.05 each, su...

Marketers Increasingly Inves...

August 28, 2013

As marketers discover the value of ‘going viral,’ a growing number of companies are investing heavily in content designed to blend in with the everyday web. Sponsored content, as it’s known, is...

ComScore: Yahoo Generated Mo...

August 22, 2013

After almost a decade of decline, former online giant Yahoo has regained the pole position in online traffic. Yahoo’s network of web properties attracted more traffic than Google during the month of...

‘Injected Ads’ Push Dodg...

August 16, 2013

Security and online video applications have been inserting illegal advertisements on the YouTube videos of millions of Internet users. Online security website Spider.io is reporting that two programs...