Increasing controversy over...

March 08, 2012

Since the beginning of time it seems there has always been a battle between the ‘have’s’ and ‘have not’s’ and it is no different today than it has ever been. At the centre of controversy i...

New 50p Self Assessment Tax...

February 29, 2012

Whilst most taxes are bringing in higher revenues to the UK, the self-assessment income tax has fallen far short of where government expected it to go. As of January 2012, the Treasury only received a...

Third-largest supermarket ch...

January 13, 2012

Chief executive for Sainsbury reported that the company experienced a strong quarter which ended up in their best Christmas on the books to date, even though the economy in the UK was extremely sluggi...

Fat cat salaries still runni...

January 09, 2012

It seems as though there is growing evidence that little is being done to curb the outrageous salaries which FTSE-100 chief execs bring in annually. Although there has always been concern as to the am...