Cyber security is always a chief concern. However, because firms are so vulnerable during periods of digital transformation, that initial interest in cyber security must hold.

Of course, digital transformation is transpiring in numerous ways across multiple sectors. It’s more than just online shopping. It affects how firms store their data, who they hire, how they interact with customers, or even how they reduce expenditures by removing the need for physical workspaces. There’s a lot to manage, and companies can let their guard down as growing pains occur.

Sadly, one area firms often underestimate is cyber security. The more a firm is digitised, the more safeguarding strategies are required. So, whether you’ve started your firm’s digital transformation or whether you’re partway through, the need for state-of-the-art cyber security is imperative.

Here are the three steps you should follow to protect your business during this vulnerable time.

Developing a Robust Security Infrastructure

The first step is to establish a secure foundation to initiate a digital transformation journey. This involves developing a robust security infrastructure that mitigates potential threats and protects your firm’s digital assets.

Building such an infrastructure requires a comprehensive understanding of the potential risks associated with each digital technology adopted. For instance, cloud technologies may expose your firm to data breaches and cyberattacks if not correctly implemented and managed. Things like data centres have to be accounted for, too, with firms rethinking the physicality of their data.

Therefore, the IT department must proactively identify these potential vulnerabilities and establish strong firewall protections and encryption techniques to safeguard sensitive information. The IT team should also regularly conduct penetration testing to identify any weak points within the infrastructure.

Finally, it’s essential to incorporate end-point protection mechanisms into your security infrastructure. With employees using various devices to access company data, these end-points often become the primary target for cybercriminals. Therefore, a robust end-point protection system, including secure VPNs and updated antivirus software, can help reduce the risk of a potential breach.

Utilising Cyber Security Services

Cyber threats continually evolve. It’s vital to have a security partner that understands these challenges and knows how to navigate them.

ROCK Cyber Security Services offers an all-inclusive suite of services, including vulnerability assessments, incident response planning, and security awareness training for staff. Their approach to vulnerability assessments is particularly critical as it helps firms identify weaknesses in their security posture, even when it’s evolving with the business.

Furthermore, ROCK prides itself on its incident response planning services. The company can help your firm prepare for potential cyber incidents by establishing clear response procedures and communication strategies. This can significantly reduce the downtime experienced during a cyber incident and ensure your business transformation is smooth. Moreover, their services are specifically designed for firms with over 50 employees that are aiming for digital transformation. To learn more, visit

Cultivating a Security-Conscious Culture

People are often the weakest link in cyber security. Everyone in your firm must understand their role in maintaining security.

Begin by integrating cyber security awareness into your business transformation-related training programs. This includes teaching staff about potential future cyber threats, such as ransomware attacks, and how to respond to them. Regular updates and reminders can also be effective in keeping this knowledge fresh and top-of-mind during (sometimes disruptive) transformation periods.

A security-conscious culture should be prevalent before, during, and after digital transformation. Nurture it through a continuous open dialogue. Remember, a single mistake can cause a significant security breach and undo your firm’s evolution.

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