Barclays Number One on FSA&#...

September 29, 2011

With the Financial Services Authority (FSA) receiving complaints against high street banks at an all-time high, Barclays Bank tops the list at an astonishing 250,000 new disputes being recorded during...

Final-Salary Pension Scheme...

September 29, 2011

Members of final-salary pension schemes (also known as defined-benefit schemes) that earn higher than average incomes have been warned by financial advisors that they may incur hefty tax penalties for...

PetGuard suddenly cancels po...

September 28, 2011

Prominent pet insurance company PetGuard has recently canceled hundreds of policies, leaving many pet owners without cover even though they paid a hefty premium to secure a “lifetime” policy. The...

Proposed coalition plans cou...

September 28, 2011

Coalition government recently proposed a change in planning that could cause house prices in the green belt to drop by up to 33% or more. Ultimately, if the proposal to change planning is ruled in fav...