Housing market in London pro...

January 05, 2012

Recent figures information by CEBR (Centre for Business Research) projects that London’s housing market will come to a virtual standstill this year due to loss of jobs and stagnant wages. Most of th...

Councils get funding to help...

January 04, 2012

As reported a few days ago, older patients in the UK have been found to be taking up bed space longer than the NHS feels is profitable for them to do so. In lieu of keeping these elderly patients in N...

Rise in rail fares in effect...

January 03, 2012

Just one day into the New Year and as expected, the rise in rail fares has gone into effect causing the average ticket to increase by approximately 5.9 percent and some season tickets have risen by ne...

Retail chains throughout the...

January 02, 2012

While many high street shops had hoped that the run up to the holidays would have provided the much needed revenue to keep them afloat, at least for the time being, many face insolvency or at least cl...