Every year, the UK government collects billions of pounds in taxes. While most people pay their taxes without any problems, there are times when things can go wrong. If you find yourself in a tax dispute with the government, it’s essential to have someone who knows the ins and outs of the UK tax code to represent you. UK tax solicitors are experienced in dealing with the HMRC and can help you resolve your tax-related issues.

Here are five reasons you may need to hire a tax attorney in the UK.

HMRC Is Auditing You

Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is the government agency responsible for collecting taxes in the UK. If HMRC believes you have not paid the correct amount of taxes, they may open an investigation into your finances. This is called an audit.

During an audit, HMRC will review your financial records and may interview you to get more information. If they find that you owe taxes, they will send you a bill for the amount owed plus interest and penalties.

If you are being audited, it’s crucial to have a tax solicitor on your side. They can help you gather the needed records and represent you during the audit process to protect your rights.

You Haven’t Filed Your Taxes

If you haven’t filed your taxes, HMRC may come after you for the money you owe. If you don’t have the money to pay, they may take legal action against you. This can include putting a lien on your property or garnishing your wages.

A tax solicitor can help you negotiate a payment plan with HMRC to pay your taxes without facing severe financial consequences.

You Are Facing Criminal Charges Related to Your Taxes

Criminal charges related to taxes are serious and can result in jail time. They include tax evasion, the deliberate underpayment of taxes, and tax fraud, which is making false or misleading statements on your tax return.

If you are facing criminal charges, you need a tax lawyer to help you navigate the legal system and defend you in court. They will work to get the charges reduced or dropped and help you avoid a conviction.

You Want to Set Up a Tax-Exempt Organisation

To set up a tax-exempt organisation such as a charity, you need to follow a complex set of rules and regulations. A tax solicitor can help you with the paperwork and ensure that your organisation meets all the requirements.

The process of setting up a tax-exempt organisation can be long and complicated. Having a solicitor on your side will help ensure everything is done correctly and efficiently.

You Suspect Fraud

If you suspect someone has filed a false tax return in your name or committed other tax fraud, you must report it to HMRC. They will investigate the matter, and if they find evidence of fraud, they will take action against the person responsible.

A tax solicitor can help you report fraud and represent you if you are called to testify in court. This is important because, in some cases, the person responsible for fraud may also be charged with other crimes, such as money laundering. You need someone on your side who can protect your rights and ensure that you are not unfairly incriminated.

You Want to Appeal a Tax Decision

If you don’t agree with a tax decision made by HMRC, you have the right to appeal. This includes decisions about audits, tax bills, and penalties. You need to file your appeal within 30 days of the decision.

A tax solicitor can help you navigate the appeals process and present your case in the best light. They will also be able to negotiate with HMRC on your behalf to get the decision overturned or reduced.

You Need Help Navigating the UK Tax Code

The UK tax code is complex. There are different rules for businesses, individuals, and trusts. If you are unsure how the tax code applies to you, a tax solicitor can help.

They can explain the different provisions of the tax code and how they apply to your situation. They can also help you plan your taxes in a way that minimizes your liability.


A tax solicitor can be a valuable asset, whether you are being audited or just need help navigating the UK tax code. They can help you avoid financial penalties and protect your rights. Contact a solicitor today to discuss your options.

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