As the working world continues to change, organisations are increasingly searching for innovative ways to grow their business without impacting their profits or their team’s wellbeing. Rather than traditional waterfall methods of working, many firms are now moving towards agile models that allow for increased delivery alongside a positive employee experience. Creating lasting change sustainably allows your business to enjoy the benefits of fast growth while retaining a happy team and loyal customers.

Commit to change at every level

Especially for those used to more traditional ways of working, organisation-wide change can seem unnecessary or simply too much hassle in a busy business. Without the full support of leaders and stakeholders, your wider organisation won’t have the confidence they need to keep growing. Similarly, if you don’t engage employees from the ground up in creating change, you’ll find it difficult to implement any lasting new procedures or processes.

To make sure you have buy-in from your whole organisation when it comes to driving change forward, agile consultancies like Fractal Systems work side by side with your team. Ensuring that every individual in your team understands the reasons behind your business growth, as well as a clear understanding of the new processes being put in place, means that your change transformation is more likely to take place seamlessly.

Foster continuous communications

Constant change and adaptation can feel like a daunting prospect to your team, particularly in remote organisations where your workforce is scattered across multiple workplaces. To avoid your business growth goal becoming something that is resented by your team, it’s important to keep everyone in the loop, at all times. As well as motivating employees to engage with your transformation, this will create an open environment that can effectively boost innovation and help form new ideas. The more passion gathered behind a project, the less likely it is to fail. Offering the opportunity to be a real part of creating change builds accountability into your team, encouraging every individual to become as involved as possible.

Keep your values in mind

Even while your working structures are undergoing change, it’s crucial you keep your business’s shared values and motivations front and centre. As well as attracting the right customers to your organisation, your values help guide your team forward, allowing them to work towards the same goal no matter how wide-scale your business or project has become.

Showing your current customers you can continue to deliver while you grow will also bring about greater loyalty and customer retention levels. This consistency will help solidify your brand identity, even as you focus on scaling up; improving your brand’s reputation while keeping your current customers will see your profits rise even more quickly.

Maintain a flexible mindset

One of the most important elements of sustainable growth is to build resilience in your team. The ongoing pandemic has shown that no matter how prepared for change you think you are, there’s always the chance of unforeseen circumstances on the horizon.

Many businesses are undergoing agile transformation or organisational change because of the resilience this can bring about. Agile working models help build in flexibility to counteract the unexpected from the offset. Implementing change through an incremental approach allows you to grow your knowledge and resilience at a pace that works for your business; this removes the risk of putting more drastic measures in place that create unsupported change too fast. Taking steps to ensure your team can respond effectively and quickly to unexpected bumps in the road gives you a safety net when it comes to your business growth. Implementing a resilient mindset means your whole organisation can remain motivated to create change, even when the unexpected happens.

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