Energy saving tips in the ho...

March 03, 2022

The cost of fuel prices has been in the news a lot over the last few months. With the average household energy bill set to increase up to 54% this year alone, now is the time to find ways to reduce yo...

How Much Could I Save on my...

August 31, 2021

Heat pumps have grown in popularity in recent years, partly as a result of government schemes to help bring the cost down for the householder and partly because of the increasing desire that people ha...

What is the Price of Solar E...

August 26, 2021

Are you feeling the heat this summer? We bet you are! Scientists say last month was the hottest July ever recorded in history. As if you didn’t have enough to worry about in 2021, global warming...

A Deeper Look at Sustainabil...

July 30, 2021

By the close of World War II, it was estimated that about 60 million people were left dead. That is approximately two times the population of Canada. Indeed, using death alone does not provide the ent...