Investigation launched into...

February 14, 2011

Companies have long levied surcharges to customers who pay for goods using a credit card.  Now, the consumer watchdog Which? is launching a so-called ‘super complaint’ in order that t...

Workers slave for 196 days j...

February 14, 2011

British workers have to until July 15 this year just to pay off interest on their unsecured loan and credit card finance plus taxes. That means they spend more than half the year working for the benef...

Cable slams offensive bank b...

February 14, 2011

The big UK banks need an overhaul to put a stop to the excesses of the current bonus culture,according to Business Secretary Vince Cable. Last week the government sealed a deal with the largest Britis...

Barclays comes under fire...

February 14, 2011

Barclays has been accused of making a mockery of bonus restraint as it hiked staff pay by a quarter while continuing to starve small businesses of funds. The bank unveiled a 32% rise in profits for 20...